Funding Opportunities: Science in Culture Innovation Awards

Innovation Awards under the Science in Culture theme of the Arts and Humanities Research Council are now available.

The AHRC writes:
Successful proposals under the Innovation Awards call are expected to expand and explore the Science in Culture theme in new and innovative ways.  Proposals may address any aspect of the theme as outlined in the call document.

In the context of this call, innovation can take a number of forms:

  • Exploring new inter-disciplinary concepts, methodologies and approaches drawing on both the arts and humanities and the sciences
  • Developing reciprocal collaborations of a new nature or in new or emerging fields of collaborative enquiry between the arts and humanities and the sciences
  • Addressing innovative and inter-disciplinary research questions co-produced through dialogue between the arts and humanities and the sciences

Funding of up to £80,000 (fEC) over a period of 12 months will be awarded to successful grants.  Up to 10 Innovation Awards are expected to be funded under the Science in Culture theme.

Closing Dates: 27/02/2014, deadline is at 4pm

AHRC Awards article: LINK

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